Holyoke Health Center Celebrates Dental Clinic Grand Re-Openingat Western Massachusetts Hospital Location

Holyoke Health Center Celebrates Dental Clinic Grand Re-Opening at Western Massachusetts Hospital Location

Holyoke, MA: Holyoke Health Center, located at 230 Maple Street in Holyoke, is pleased to announce the grand re-opening of their Dental Clinic satellite site at the Western Massachusetts Hospital. The Holyoke Health Center Dental Clinic at Western Massachusetts Hospital, is located at 91 E Mountain Road, in Westfield, MA. On Thursday, April 28th at 10:00am, the Holyoke Health Center hosted a grand re-opening event to showcase the newly renovated Dental Clinic and welcome back new and existing patients to our dental practice.

The Holyoke Health Center has worked in partnership with the Western Massachusetts Hospital with a dental clinic at this location for over ten years. On the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the dental clinic temporarily closed its door due to COVID-19 regulations and staffing shortages caused by the pandemic. During the closure of the Western Massachusetts Hospital satellite site, the Dental Clinic was renovated to include an addition dental operatory for a total of 4 operatories at this location. The renovations also included an X-ray room and additional staff offices. Grant funding was used to expand the Dental Clinic to allow for more patients and community members to be treated at this location as well as new state of the art equipment.

Dr. Deviprasad Makonahally, Dentist at the HHC Dental Clinic at Western Massachusetts Hospital, says, “I am excited to welcome patients back to our Dental Clinic, we have more operatories to serve more patients and we look forward to bringing in new community members who are in need of a dental home.”

Thank you to all that were able to attend the ribbon-cutting. It was an honor to see Westfield Mayor, Mike McCab, Senator John Velis, Chamber of Commerce’s Eric Ouellette, City Council members William Onyski and Bridget Matthews-Kane, Anthony Distefano from Western Mass Hospital, and Brian Sutton from Baystate Noble Hospital.

Holyoke Health Center
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